Tobias Christensen is the new signing for Vidi!
Christensen Tobias full name
11. 05. 2000. birth year
Kristiansand birth place
.752 minutes played
319 minutes played
1 goals
1 goals
10 (1) matches (substitute)
4 (0) matches (substitute)
1 yellow cards
0 red cards
Tobias Christensen was born on the 11th May 2000 in Kristiansand, Norway. He started his career with his hometown club Vigor, where he played in a cup match for the first team in 2015. In 2017 he moved to IK Start, where he played 23 matches in the second division, and a year later he was a regular in the top flight and scored his first goal in the top division.
He joined his last club, Valerenga, in the spring of 2021, and the 180 cm tall defensive midfielder has played continuously in the Norwegian top flight in recent seasons. He has scored 8 goals and assisted 11 times in 109 top-flight games so far in his career. In European competition, he has also played in Champions League qualifiers, Europa League group stages and European Conference League qualifiers.
From U16 to U21, he has played continuously for his country's national team, with 4 goals in 17 games for the U21s.
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