The plane had barely landed in Budapest, and the duo raced back to Fehervar to train
"I felt faint for a few minutes, when we first went out to train at the massive Wembley stadium," - began Liptak. "I then began to focus on the English, and the thought of being there was going through my mind a little. It felt unbelievable that I was there. Despite the defeat, I feel that my debut went well in the international side. Roland Juhasz, who I do not know that much, and I were given just two days to form an understanding at the back. But I felt that we understood each other quite well on the pitch. The manager told us in the dressing room after the game that the team had been together in both training and in the game. He was positive onthe whole with the way things went.I feel the same way." When Akos Elek stepped onto the Sostoi stadium pitch today, whether you believe it or not, he commented that the pitch in Fehervar was much better than Wembley's. That is down to the fact that the Wembley pitch hardly gets any light due to the big stands that surround it. "An amazing 90,000 people can fit in to Wembley! They said that there would hardly be any fans at the game, and those that would turn up would be booing England after their poor showing at the World Cup. It did not turn out this way. There were over 70,000 there in the end and they were supporting their side. Do you know what it feels like when so many sing at the same time, or are sreaming...? Should I talk about the game? Well, I do not think that we were bad, and thankfully my game was good as well. However, it looks as though I have no luck with my ankle. The injury is not too serious. We are now focusing on this weekend's game at MTK. I then hope to get further chances to prove myself in key games for both Vidi and Hungary."
Szerző: David Rechnitzer